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Gamida Cell is a company that is interested in providing cell-based therapeutics to assist patients that have life threatening blood diseases. The company was founded in 1998 by Tony Peled, in Jerusalem, Yerushalayim, Israel.
Gamida Cell's mission is to develop potentially curative cell therapies for the purpose of assisting patients with cancer. The company has developed celullar therapies such as Omidubicel which is meant to help treat high-risk hematologic malignancies, severe aplastic anemia, non-hodgkin lymphoma, and multiple myeloma.
The company has developed a platform that has the potential to provide treatment options for patients with blood, and allows for the expansion of the uses of stem cells or natural killer cells, while maintaining their original phenotype and potency.
Gamida Cell's platform is based on expanded populations of cord blood stem cells and creating regenerative and therapeutic stem cells. They are known to operate in the medical device and therapeutics fields.