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Acacia Research is a company that specializes in patent licensing and enforcement, with headquarters in Newport Beach, California . The company was founded on January 1, 1993 and is incorporated in Delaware . Acacia Research is listed on the Nasdaq stock exchange under the symbol ACTG .
As an investor, Acacia Research provides funding to businesses and organizations . The company has a total funding amount of $19,600,001 USD and its latest funding round took place in December 2019 . Acacia Research employs between 250 and 499 people .
The CEO of Acacia Research is Clifford Press . Some other key people associated with the company include Matthew Vella, Marvin Key, and Marc Booth . The company was founded by entrepreneur Bruce Stewart .
Acacia Research can be reached through their official website at . They also have a presence on social media platforms such as LinkedIn ( and Twitter ( . For inquiries, the company can be contacted via email at or by phone at +1 (332) 236-8500 . Their full address is 767 Third Avenue, Suite 602, New York, NY 10017 .