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Established in 2014 by Jacques Zaneveld and Smriti Zaneveld, Lazarus 3D is a Corvallis, Oregon-based company providing medical training services, including custom training models, educational tools, and patient-specific surgery rehearsals.
Lazarus 3D has a proprietary, patented soft-tissue 3D printing technology, which is used to create soft, tissue-mimicking replicas of individual patients from MRI/CT scans within 24 hours. These PRE-operative SUrgical REhearsal (PRE-SURE) models can be cut, sutured, operated on, and they bleed. PRE-SURE models are designed, produced, and directly delivered to the surgeon. Lazarus 3D developed its own 3D printing system, also known as additive manufacturing (AM) system, because of its unique requirements to print large, body-size components.
The PRE-SURE models allow surgeons to practice procedures ahead of time, which could reduce risk to patients. Lazarus 3D received 510(k) clearance from the FDA in July 2021 for its patented PRE-SURE technology that covers all genitourinary conditions, including conditions of the kidneys, prostate, bladder, and genitalia. The American Medical Association (AMA) issued medical billing codes for the technology, and PRE-SURE models are able to be covered by major health insurance plans.
The materials of PRE-SURE models are silicone and hydrogel.To incorporate bleeding into the models, 3D-printed replicas can be generated with hollow areas inside where blood vessels are located, and those can be flushed with fluids or pressurized.
The PRE-SURE software system is intended to be used as a software interface and image segmentation system for the transfer of DICOM (Digital Imaging and Communications in Medicine) imaging from a medical scanner to an output file. For surgical planning applications, the output file may be used to produce a physical replica to be used along with other diagnostic tools and expert clinical judgement for diagnosis, patient management, and/or treatment of genitourinary applications.
Jacques and Smriti Zaneveld are husband and wife and founded the business together while attending doctorate programs at Baylor College of Medicine. The business originated as a hobby from Jacques building a 3D printer and using it to make glow-in-the-dark plastic octopus earrings.While developing their technology to turn patient MRI data into a printable computer design, Lazarus 3D was initially funded by generating models for evidence in lawsuits. Dr. Jacques Zaneveld completed his Ph.D. in 2015 at Baylor College of Medicine, focused on genetics of inherited eye diseases. Before joining Lazarus 3D in 2018 as president, Dr. Smriti Zaneveld completed her Ph.D. at Baylor College of Medicine. Her research also focused on genetic causes of inherited eye diseases.
Lazarus 3D is a biotechnology company making 3D designs and manufacturing life-like models of human tissues and body parts that mimic the mechanical properties of real anatomy. The company is headquartered in Houston, Texas and was founded in 2013 by Dr. Jacques Zaneveld.
Lazarus 3D technology integrates soft polymer 3D Printing combined with medical imaging data to create realistic models of organs. Examples of simulated 3D printed organs and tissues made by Lazarus3D include: intestines, liver, kidney, brains, skull, bladder, and reproductive organs. The companies products are made to improve surgical practice, hospital risk management, and training procedures for healthcare professionals.
Lazarus 3D won the NASA iTech competition. After vetting our technology at the National platform to NASA Center Chief Technologists and top Scientists, Engineers and Innovators, Lazarus 3D was selected as having capabilities NASA wants.
Lazarus 3D placed in the top 15 startups in the Startup of the Year 2018 annual competition powered by Established.
Dr. Jacques Zaneveld received $10,000 in funding from a postdoctoral student at bayer College medicine in 2013 to start Lazarus3D. Dr. Zaneveld used the funding to pay rent and the salary of the companies first employee for a few months. Dr. Zaneveld claims the company began making money selling its products immediately after starting the company, he told reporters "basically, from day one we've had sales".