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Crystal IS was founded by Professors Leo Schowalter and Glen Slack at the Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute. Crystal IS is an Asahi Kasei company that is a U.S.-based manufacturer of proprietary, high-performance deep UV (UVC) LEDs. Crystal IS was acquired by Asahi Kasei in 2011.
The Klaran line of UVC LEDs are used for disinfection with applications in healthcare, consumer and commercial water purification. Crystal IS Optan UVC LEDs are used in scientific and industrial instruments to analyse water, air quality and biological samples.In the Klaran WD (water disinfection) family of UV LEDs, there are products which emit UV-C, also called deep UV, which is known to destroy DNA in germs and pathogens. The company uses low-defect density, single-crystal, aluminum nitride substrates and proprietary technologies for crystal growth.