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Chronomics provides a test that combines Epigenome Sequencing with Machine Learning. The company provides actionable epigenetic insights. Chronomics is focused on health, wellbeing and prevention of age and lifestyle related diseases by monitoring and reducing risk factors.
While DNA sequence is fixed from birth, environmental factors and lifestyle can trigger epigenetic changes. Chronomics analyses the epigenetic mark called DNA methylation which is a methyl group added to DNA. DNA methylation mostly occurs on cytosine bases where cytosine is followed by a guanine base (CpG site). There are more than 28 million CpG sites in the human genome and the methylation readout is a binary variable. Each site is methylated or not methylated and the methylation state is influenced by genetics, the environment and health.
Chronomics uses saliva, which contains buccal epithelial cells and leukocytes, for DNA methylation profiling. Saliva DNA methylation profiles are correlated with those in blood and brain, so saliva can be used to capture effects associated with many complex traits. Users are also asked to fill out a lifestyle questionnaire. To interpret their results, users share their data with Chronomics' team of healthcare professionals, to help provide personalised recommendations to become healthier. Users can test annually to look for health improvements over time.
As of November 2019, Chronomics is serving private healthcare, practitioners and preventive healthcare programs in major health systems, and has stated that they plan to enter into pharmaceutical, biotechnology, and insurance.