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Arpeggio Biosciences is a biotechnology company headquartered in Boulder, Colorado that was founded in 2017 by Robin Dowell and Joey Azofeifa. Arpeggio Biosciences headquarters is located in the BioFrontiers Institute in the University of Boulder Colorado. The company is developing a drug-screening platform for the acceleration of drug discovery by combining custom laboratory assay and proprietary machine learning algorithms.
The companies drug screening platform can be used by scientists performing research related to drug discovery and the mechanisms of action underlying the effectiveness of drugs. The drug screening platform provides time series profiling of drug compounds using RNA-profiling technology to gain insight into how thousands of genes are interacting within the human body. The company then uses machine learning algorithms to analyze the time series profile to discover causal signalling networks, which can give researchers insight into the underlying mechanisms of action for their drugs, and help them predict how a certain drug will affect a patient.