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Sienna is a company operating in the cryptocurrency, blockchain, and decentralized finance industries, focusing on smart contracts and distributed ledger technology . The company is based in Canada and is currently active . Sienna has developed its own cryptocurrency, also called Sienna (SIENNA), which is an ERC-20 token . The maximum supply of SIENNA tokens is 10,000,000 .
Sienna has raised a total of $11,200,000 in funding through a venture round that took place on October 5, 2021 . The company has a wide range of investors, including Inclusive Capital Partners, Polkastarter, Magnus Capital Digital Assets Fund, ArkStream Capital, Krypital Group, Everse Capital, and many others .
Sienna has also formed strategic partnerships with Button Swap and Band Protocol . The company has spun out SiennaSwap, a decentralized exchange platform . Sienna's cryptocurrency can be traded on SecretSwap π and SiennaSwap exchanges .
The company has assigned seven patents to its name . Sienna's official websites are and . The whitepaper for Sienna Network can be found at .
Sienna's cryptocurrency competes with other privacy-focused cryptocurrencies such as Zcash and Themis . The initial coin offering (ICO) for Sienna took place on May 1, 2021 .
The company maintains an active presence on various social media platforms, including Twitter, Discord, GitHub, Reddit, and Telegram . Sienna also has a blog, which can be accessed at .
SIENNA tokens can be stored in various wallets, such as MetaMask, Trezor, and Argent . Additional information about Sienna and its cryptocurrency can be found on CoinMarketCap, Crunchbase, Pitchbook, and LinkedIn .