A venture capital firm in San Francisco that focuses on identifying unique investment opportunities worldwide through its intensive diligence process.
Global Frontier Investments is a venture capital firm in San Francisco that focuses on identifying unique investment opportunities worldwide through its intensive diligence process. Founded 2011 in San Francisco, California, United States by William Dollens, it invests in seed rounds. Its portfolio companies include ColdQuanta. As of March 2020, Global Frontier Investments has invested in ColdQuanta on July 25, 2018. This investment in the seed round of ColdQuanta was valued at $6.8M. ColdQuanta develops and designs instruments and systems for quantum technology applications. The company offers unique products and services for scientific and industrial applications such as cold atom information processing, atomic clocks, and inertial sensing.
Global Frontier Investments is a venture capital firm in San Francisco that focuses on identifying unique investment opportunities worldwide through its intensive diligence process. Founded 2011 in San Francisco, CaliforniaCalifornia, United States by William Dollens, it invests in seed rounds. Its portfolio companies include ColdQuanta. As of March 2020, Global Frontier Investments has invested in ColdQuanta on July 25, 2018. This investment in the seed round of ColdQuanta was valued at $6.8M. ColdQuanta develops and designs instruments and systems for quantum technology applications. The company offers unique products and services for scientific and industrial applications such as cold atom information processing, atomic clocks, and inertial sensing.
Global Frontier Investments is a venture capital firm in San Francisco that focuses on identifying unique investment opportunities worldwide through its intensive diligence process. Founded 2011 in San Francisco, California, United StatesUnited States by William Dollens, it invests in seed rounds. Its portfolio companies include ColdQuanta. As of March 2020, Global Frontier Investments has invested in ColdQuanta on July 25, 2018. This investment in the seed round of ColdQuanta was valued at $6.8M. ColdQuanta develops and designs instruments and systems for quantum technology applications. The company offers unique products and services for scientific and industrial applications such as cold atom information processing, atomic clocks, and inertial sensing.
A venture capital firm in CaliforniaSan Francisco that focuses on investingidentifying inunique theinvestment biotech,opportunities healthcare,worldwide AIthrough andits blockchainintensive sectorsdiligence process.
SVEGlobal CapitalFrontier Investments is a venture capital firm in CaliforniaSan Francisco that focuses on investingidentifying inunique theinvestment biotech,opportunities healthcare,worldwide AIthrough andits blockchainintensive sectorsdiligence process. Founded 2011 in PaloSan AltoFrancisco, California, United States by JenniferWilliam JinDollens, it invests in seed roundrounds. Its portfolio companies include DNALite TherapeuticsColdQuanta. SVEAs Capitalof March 2020, Global Frontier Investments has invested in DNALite TherapeuticsColdQuanta on AugustJuly 825, 2018. This investment in the seed round of DNALite TherapeuticsColdQuanta was valued at $1.5M6.8M. DNALiteColdQuanta Therapeutics,develops Inc.and isdesigns aninstruments early-stageand preclinicalsystems biotechnologyfor quantum technology applications. The company committed on bringingoffers theunique next-generationproducts ofand drugsservices tofor thescientific gastrointestinaland tract byindustrial harnessingapplications proprietarysuch technologyas tocold carryatom DNAinformation toprocessing, cellsatomic thatclocks, driveand theseinertial diseasessensing.
Global Frontier Investments is a national financial advisory firm headquartered in Sausalito, CA.
A venture capital in California that focuses on investing in the biotech, healthcare, AI and blockchain sectors.
SVE Capital is a venture capital in California that focuses on investing in the biotech, healthcare, AI and blockchain sectors. Founded in Palo Alto, California, United States by Jennifer Jin, it invests in seed round. Its portfolio companies include DNALite Therapeutics. SVE Capital has invested in DNALite Therapeutics on August 8, 2018. This investment in the seed round of DNALite Therapeutics was valued at $1.5M. DNALite Therapeutics, Inc. is an early-stage preclinical biotechnology company committed on bringing the next-generation of drugs to the gastrointestinal tract by harnessing proprietary technology to carry DNA to cells that drive these diseases.
Global Frontier Investments is a national financial advisory firm headquartered in Sausalito, CA.
A venture capital firm in San Francisco that focuses on identifying unique investment opportunities worldwide through its intensive diligence process.