Company developing and licensing Neural Inferencing Semiconductor IP/Software and embedded FPGA hard IP and software for reconfigurable RTL in SOCs, MCUs and other ICs
Flex Logix provides companies to use their embedded FPGA (eFPGA) for a licensing fee. The technology enables chips to reconfigure themselves to offer a range of functionalities, from rich graphics and rendering to powerful computer vision. The eFPGA is based on EFLX 4K tile available in two versions: all logic EFLX 4K Logix and mostly logic with some MACs (multiply-accumulators) EFLX 4K DSP. The programmable logic is called LUTs (Look Up Tables) which implements Boolean functions. The EFLX 4K Logix has 4000 LUT4 equivalents, and EFLX 4K DSP has 3000 LUT4s and 40 MACs.
Geoff TateGeoff Tate founded the company in 2014 and is headquartered in Mountain View, California. Geoff Tate helped create a chip company called Rambus whos technology is in every DRAM memory part that ships today. Geoff was introduced to Professor Dejan Markovic and Ph.D. students Cheng Wang, Fang-Li Yuan at UCLA in 2014 who were developing a better way to build FPGA. Together they created Flex Logix.