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What is Copiosa:
Copiosa is a Coin backed exchange platform focusing on allowing users to purchase small cap crypto currencies as they come to market. The Platform uses its own coin to facilitate trading for its users.
The coin itself sits on the BEP20 network which is one of the most fast and secure networks available.
What Makes Copiosa unique:
Copiosa aims to provide value as a standalone coin whilst also creating a frictionless means of exchange for small cap crypto currencies.
Users can launch the app or visit the website, deposit fiat currency an exchange this for Copiosa. They will then be able to hold, or trade Copiosa coin for all available small cap crypto currencies seamlessly.
Copiosa coin is the native utility token used for:
Purchasing small cap crypto currencies through the Copiosa platform Used as a stand alone currency
How many Copies coins are in circulation:
Copiosa launched its coin on March 28, 2021 with 500m tokens created at genesis. This number is static with no coins burned or created. 400 million of these re currently in circulation with 20% (100m) held by Copiosa for business development purposes.
Who are the founders of Copiosa:
Copiosa is the creation of developer James Mallon, finance services and business manger Joshua Etheridge, and Science graduate Harry Richardson.
The company currently operates with a team of 5 including experienced developers, marketing and financial operations staff.
Where can I buy Copiosa
Copiosa is currently available though exchanges such as pancake swap. The current market cap can be viewed via an active tracker on the Copiosa website. Listings on further exchanges are currently in motion and will be active soon.