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CanaryBit is a cybersecurity company developed by a team of independent specialists interested in cybersecurity and cloud and confidential computing. The company is working to develop its and, which aim to protect a user's digital assets with open-source solutions and are also intended to offer collaboration between companies and public authorities.
These systems deploy and attest the security of cloud services in secure enclaves on public clouds. This could be for cryptocurrency wallets, machine learning models, or business services. The company's platform is intended to offer a confidential enclave to launch those services and receive a proof of a users full control. The company also offers online training and continuous learning to help other companies and individuals with personal development. Further, it also offers professional and managed services for confidential cloud, confidential IoT, training, or other collaborations.
CanaryBit's Confidential Cloud is developed to deploy and attest the security of cloud services in secure enclaves on public clouds. This includes deploying machine learning models, IoT ecosystems, or business applications. CanaryBit markets the Confidential Cloud solution to any user who operates in a cloud. The platform is intended to provide a verifiable isolated environment to develop trust in the underlying cloud platform.
CanaryBit's platform is intended to verify the security of the service—offering a proof of that security while the service is running. It works to allow end users to run cloud services in the protected environment but keep full control over the services running and the data being used both while at rest and while being processed. The platform works to allow for collaboration, including for processing data from several sources without exposing the raw data. It is an open-source platform, as CanaryBit believes open-source allows for open collaboration and development of the platform. The platform follows European regulations and laws to help users protect data and meet security requirements.
The Data Portability and Services Incubator (DAPSI) is an EU funded project, under the European Commission's Next Generation Internet (NGI) initiative intended to empower internet innovators to develop human-centric solutions and address the challenge of personal data portability. DAPSI works to support projects through a nine month incubation program where experts provide working methodology, access to infrastructure, and training in business and data related topics. CanaryBit began participating in the project in mid-2021.