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Bitquery is a developer of data analytics and finance platform that offers APIs to solve data problems using on-chain data. The company offers money flow analysis for investigation, finding sources, and destination of funds, arbitrage trading, market behavior, and research on future blockchain development. The company is an API-first company dedicated to developing solutions through APIs for the blockchain, including solutions for various verticals such as decentralized finance (DeFi), arbitrage analytics, cryptocurrency surveillance, and forensics for various major blockchains.
Bitquery was founded in 2019 by Dean Karakitsos and Aleksey Studnev and is headquartered in New York City. The company's customers and partners have included 0x, Maker, Starkware, Gnosis, Korea University, and Kyber Network.
Coinpath is a set of APIs used for cryptocurrency surveillance or blockchain money tracing. The APIs are based on a sophisticated mathematical algorithm capable of performing complex calculations between blockchain addresses to show the flow of money across a blockchain. The Coinpath APIs use heuristics and machine learning to determine clusters, transaction flow, and account balance, among other metrics, for blockchain investigation and compliance solutions. The APIs in Coinpath allow users to set endpoints and trace money from any source to any destination to create money flow graphs and aggregate transfers to addresses to determine the origin and destination of money and transaction amount.
Bitquery's Digital Assets APIs offer indexed information for major cryptocurrencies, coins, and tokens. The APIs offer information for native coins, such as BTC or ETH, and for tokens such as DAI, AAve, and USDT built on top of other blockchains. In these APIs, Bitquery offers a Token API with a cryptocurrency-centric view on token or coin transfers. Whereas the Address API is capable of returning all information for blockchain wallet addresses.
The Decentralized Exchange (DEX) API offered by Bitquery provides real-time trades for various DEX protocols across different blockchains, allowing users to access trade data for protocols such as Kyber, Uniswap, or PancakeSwap. The DEX API allows users to take the data and build charting, perform analytics, find arbitrage opportunities, and analyze DEX markets.