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Zaif is a cryptocurrency exchange based in Japan. Zaif has been operating since 2014 and is owned by Tech Bureau. The exchange interface is in Japanese and partly in English. One of the first Japanese cryptocurrency exchanges to receive an official license from the local regulator Financial Services Agency (FSA), along with other major companies such as bitFlyer, Quoine, GMO Coin and others. The Zaif exchange offers trading in both crypto-to-crypto and crypto-to-fiat (JPY). Zaif also offers bitcoin futures with up to 1:25 leverage, a 0% trading fee and a daily fee of 0.039% of the total per day.
To verify on the Zaif exchange, you need to prepare documents to verify your identity, place of registration and phone number:the passport; identification;driver's license;invoice for payment of services or other document confirming that you own the specified phone number; document confirming your address.