Warranty Life is an insurance technology company.
Consumers wanting to insure their device can sign up through Warranty Life's website or by downloading the app from the Google Play or Apple App Store.It is $7.99 per month for one device, and with this payment comes coverage for the device with a $50 deductible, a liquid screen protector, and access to a replacement device if necessary. Customers will also getgain access to SmartSaver, which gives them artificial intelligence-powered rewards.
Warranty Life states that isit has a simple claims process, and that the insurance can be canceled at any time. With coverage from the company, customers are able to take their device to more than 10,000 covered repair shops in the United States and Canada.
Warranty Life insurance covers smart devices, such as tablets, smart phones (new or used), smart watches, and iPads. It covers the following accidents and malfunctions such as:
Warranty Life is an insurance technology (insurtechinsurtech) company specializing in mobile device protection. When it was founded in 2009, the company was focused on developing a solution to help consumers keep track of their purchases and warranties. Over time, Warranty Life expanded its offerings to act as an insurer for smart devicessmart devices, such as mobile phones.
Consumers wanting to insure their device can sign up through Warranty Life's website or by downloading the app from the Google PlayGoogle Play or Apple App Apple App StoreStore.It is $7.99 per month for one device and with this payment comes coverage for the device with a $50 deductible, a liquid screen protector, and access to a replacement device if necessary. Customers will also get access to SmartSaver, which gives them artificial intelligence-powered rewards.
Warranty Life states that is has a simple claims process and that the insurance can be canceled at any time. With coverage from the company, customers are able to take their device to more than 10,000 covered repair shops in the United States and Canada.
Warranty Life insurance covers smart devices such as tablets, smart phones (new or used), smart watches, and iPadsiPads. It covers accidents and malfunctions such as:
Warranty Life is an insurance technology (insurtech) company specializing in mobile device protection.
Warranty Life is an insurance technology (insurtech) company specializing in mobile device protection. When it was founded in 2009, the company was focused on developing a solution to help consumers keep track of their purchases and warranties. Over time, Warranty Life expanded its offerings to act as an insurer for smart devices, such as mobile phones.
Consumers wanting to insure their device can sign up through Warranty Life's website or by downloading the app from the Google Play or Apple App Store.
Warranty Life insurance covers smart devices such as tablets, smart phones (new or used), smart watches, and iPads. It covers accidents and malfunctions such as:
Warranty Life is an insurance technology company.
Warranty Life is an insurance technology (insurtech) company specializing in mobile device protection.