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VirionHealth is a biotechnology company that is developing novel therapeutics for respiratory viral infections. VirionHealth was founded on pioneering research by Professors Nigel Dimmock and Andrew Easton at the University of Warwick’s School of Life Sciences, it is a company that focuses on preventing and treating influenza and respiratory syncytial virus.
The company is a leader in the development of engineered, non-infectious, defective interfering particles. This new class of biological antiviral works by outcompeting replication of infectious viruses to prevent and treat viral infections.
VirionHealth is using this technology for developing broad-spectrum therapy, potentially simplifying and accelerating treatment by eliminating the need for differential diagnosis. Primarily focusing on influenza and respiratory syncytial virus, the technology fights a wide range of viruses with a single therapeutic agent. The technology is less susceptible to resistance than other every other approach due to its viral out-competition abilities and innate immune system stimulation.