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Qsee is an Artificial Intelligence company based in Tel Aviv that assists in automating and improving the quality control in the manufacturing process. Qsee is designed to provide real-time statistics, and analytics of the factory manufacturing process without significant restructure or additional network infrastructure. Qsee develops its platform using deep learning, machine learning, and predictive analysis.
The Qsee platform provides predictive insights on quality control for manufacturing companies to improve yield with real-time measurements. The consistent analysis helps companies prevent downtime and save costs. It can monitor and analyze performance decline or unusual patterns to predict machinery failures ahead of time. Employee collaboration can be extended with Qsee’s detailed visual reports.
Qsee’s platform can gather data from many nodes and sensors in the factory system. The platform can then recognize patterns and co-relate it with multiple aspects of the manufacturing process that affect the quality of the product. This co-relation analysis allows the platform to identify trends that drive better quality product lines.
Qsee’s relationship analysis can pick up quality issues and offer insights on the causation of such issues. The insights help prevent failure and downtime on the shop floor. It can also initiate maintenance alerts in time abandoning the need for manual scheduled maintenance.
Managers can use Qsee insights and evaluate the reports to make informed decisions. The quality control team can define rules that prioritize problems and unusual patterns which need prompt attention.
Qsee was founded by Rami Refaeli and Nadav Herz in Tel Aviv, Israel.