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NTTVC is a Silicon Valley-based independent capital firm formed in collaboration with NTT Group. The firm invests across a range of stages and sectors, with a focus on the future of enterprise, digital health, and AI innovations, machine learning, and data. Two NTTVC portfolio companies, Eko and nference, are involved with the fight against COVID-19.
The firm is partnership-focused and offers portfolio companies access to a network of industry experts, customers, entrepreneurs, business leaders, system integrators, and service providers who can help their startups make informed, efficient strategies and decisions.
On October 26th, 2020 NTTVC publicly announced its inaugural $500 million fund to help startups reach rapid global scale through their partnership-based strategy. The first five investments focus on enterprise and digital health and include Celona, Eko, nference, Shoreline, and UDP labs.
In its partnership with NTT Group, NTTVC has access to a multi-national, Fortune 100 company's resources. NTT Group, according to NTTVC, is a leading global service provider with $109 billion in annual revenue. It also reports that 50 percent of NTT Group's enterprise customers are based outside of Japan, and it maintains a presence in 80 countries.
For startups that are part of NTTVC's portfolio, they get potential access to a large number of customers, global distribution, and integration with NTT Group's collection of products.