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Million Marker is a company that offers a service for people to help them measure their individual exposure to everyday chemicals in their body. The service was founded by Bhavna Kapoor and Jenna Hua in Berkeley, California.
The service is provided through a urine test and a survey, which the customer mails to Million Marker where the lab processes the sample and then send a personalized exposure report through a secure portal. The company aims to provide this service to those who wish to be, or who are pregnant, people looking to clean their diet, and those curious about personal intakes.
Million Marker provides a urine test to measure near-term exposure for bisphenol-A (BPA) and phthalates through metabolites.
The levels detected in urine are typically indicative of exposure in the 24-48 hours prior to collecting the sample. While urinary BPA level reflects short-term exposure, it is also likely an indicator of daily habits including diet, choices of consumer products and lifestyle.
In addition to the level of BPA and phthalate metabolites found in urine sample, Million Marker will tell the user how their level compares to that of other people. They also provide curated information on common sources of exposure, scientific findings on these chemicals and personalized lifestyle recommendations for minimizing exposure.
The founder of Million Marker, Jenna Hua is a registered dietitian as well as an environmental scientist focused on the ways our environments can impact our health and behavior. A goal of hers with Million Marker is to provide preventive strategies against diseases, in order to promote a healthier life.
Some advisors and collaborators of the company include Brenda Eskenazi, Roy Gerona, and Michael J. DiBartolo meis. Dr. Eskenazi is the director of Center for Environmental Research and Children's Health. Dr. Gerona is an assistant professor, in the UCSF Department of Obstetris, Gynecology & Reproductive Sciences. Dr. DiBartolo meis is a former Chief of the Exposure Assessment Section of California Safe Cosmetics Program, the Pesticide & Food Toxicology Program, and Occupational Lead Poisoning Prevention Program.