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MetaPals is a browser extension facilitating users' interaction and growing of non-fungible token (NFT) pets from their browsers. The platform's goal is to aid the transition of non-crypto players into the metaverse, via the desktop companions.
Users interact with their digital pets via the utility of NFTs, GameFi business model, and blockchain space. The wellbeing of a user's pet is expressed as the MetaPal Care Index and directly influences the value of the NFT. Metapals have distinct personalities, can be trained, and can interact with elements of a webpage. They can also play page-specific minigames alongside their user. Since the pets are NFTs themselves, every in-game interaction, like petting the MetaPal or playing games with it, is considered an on-chain event that writes to the underlying NFT smart contract. Virtual pets and accessories can be purchased through an in-game marketplace and on a cryptocurrency-based token economy.