A venture capital firm in Poland that focuses on computing, internet, biotechnology, and more
HardGamma Ventures is a venture capital firm in Poland that focuses on computing, internet, biotechnology, and more. Founded 2010 in Warsaw, Mazowieckie, Poland, it invests in crowdfunding, early stage ventures, seed, convertible notes, equity crowdfunding, and non-equity assistance. Its portfolio companies include tray.io, Quantemplate, Zzish, and Carv. HardGamma Ventures has made 37 investments. Their most recent investment was on April 1, 2017, when Proxigroup raised €50K. HardGamma Ventures has had four exits, the most notable of which include Hassle.com, FilmasterFilmaster, and SHOWROOM.
HardGamma Ventures is a venture capital firm in Poland that focuses on computing, internet, biotechnology, and more. Founded 2010 in Warsaw, Mazowieckie, Poland, it invests in crowdfunding, early stage ventures, seed, convertible notes, equity crowdfunding, and non-equity assistance. Its portfolio companies include tray.io, Quantemplate, Zzish, and Carv. HardGamma Ventures has made 37 investments. Their most recent investment was on April 1, 2017, when ProxigroupProxigroup raised €50K. HardGamma Ventures has had four exits, the most notable of which include Hassle.com, Filmaster, and SHOWROOM.
HardGamma Ventures is a venture capital firm in Poland that focuses on computing, internet, biotechnology, and more. Founded 2010 in WarsawWarsaw, Mazowieckie, Poland, it invests in crowdfunding, early stage ventures, seed, convertible notes, equity crowdfunding, and non-equity assistance. Its portfolio companies include tray.io, Quantemplate, Zzish, and Carv. HardGamma Ventures has made 37 investments. Their most recent investment was on April 1, 2017, when Proxigroup raised €50K. HardGamma Ventures has had four exits, the most notable of which include Hassle.com, Filmaster, and SHOWROOM.
HardGamma Ventures is a venture capital firm in Poland that focuses on computing, internet, biotechnology, and more. Founded 2010 in Warsaw, Mazowieckie, Poland, it invests in crowdfunding, early stage ventures, seed, convertible notes, equity crowdfunding, and non-equity assistance. Its portfolio companies include tray.io, Quantemplate, ZzishZzish, and Carv. HardGamma Ventures has made 37 investments. Their most recent investment was on April 1, 2017, when Proxigroup raised €50K. HardGamma Ventures has had four exits, the most notable of which include Hassle.com, Filmaster, and SHOWROOM.
HardGamma Ventures is a venture capital firm in Poland that focuses on computing, internet, biotechnology, and more. Founded 2010 in Warsaw, Mazowieckie, Poland, it invests in crowdfunding, early stage ventures, seed, convertible notes, equity crowdfunding, and non-equity assistance. Its portfolio companies include tray.io, QuantemplateQuantemplate, Zzish, and Carv. HardGamma Ventures has made 37 investments. Their most recent investment was on April 1, 2017, when Proxigroup raised €50K. HardGamma Ventures has had four exits, the most notable of which include Hassle.com, Filmaster, and SHOWROOM.
HardGammaA Venturesventure investscapital firm in technologyPoland companiesthat focusedfocuses on softwarecomputing, hardwareinternet, IoTbiotechnology, and mobile.more
HardGamma Ventures is a venture capital firm in Poland that focuses on computing, internet, biotechnology, and more. Founded 2010 in Warsaw, Mazowieckie, Poland, it invests in crowdfunding, early stage ventures, seed, convertible notes, equity crowdfunding, and non-equity assistance. Its portfolio companies include tray.io, Quantemplate, Zzish, and Carv. HardGamma Ventures has made 37 investments. Their most recent investment was on April 1, 2017, when Proxigroup raised €50K. HardGamma Ventures has had four exits, the most notable of which include Hassle.com, Filmaster, and SHOWROOM.
HardGamma Ventures invests in technology companies focused on software, hardware, IoT and mobile.