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A Protocol to Protocol (Pr2Pr) business and data analytics extension of Gas DAO, creating User Extractable Value (UEV) from our extremely wide and diverse membership at first, eventually spreading to the entire Ethereum (and more) community as we gain traction and legitimacy. Gas DAO Insights is the first data driven business development arm of an on-chain DAO and uniquely fulfills our mission of giving Ethereum’s most active users a voice by allowing them to influence the direction of important protocols, DAOs, L2s and other on-chain organizations through paid, scientifically valid surveys and custom analytics offerings derived from those surveys, allowing them to conduct proper market research. While this suite of services will initially be offered to protocols given the nature of our current user base and the speed at which we can onboard crypto-native new partners, this could revolutionize the Web2 survey and alternative data industry for traditional enterprises due to the concept of cryptographically verifiable demographics (CVD). Let’s break down this term. We can now survey users for demographic data (statistical data related to populations) that is cryptographically verifiable; if a survey reveals a statistic about a group of users, we can link that to hard data about their financial state, present and past.