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Evans & Sutherland is a company based in the United States, founded by David C. Evans and Ivan Sutherland on January 1, 1968 . It is headquartered in Salt Lake City, Utah, and specifically located in the University of Utah Research Park . The company is incorporated in Utah, and operates under the stock symbol ESCC .
This organization has an IRS number of 870278175 and a CIK number of 276283 . Evans & Sutherland is classified under the SIC code 3690 . The company is currently in active status and has a DUNS number of 045263035 . The full address of the company's headquarters is 770 KOMAS DR, SALT LAKE CITY, UT 84108, UNITED STATES .
Evans & Sutherland has been assigned a total of 22 patents . Venrock is an investor in the company .