EPCOR Utilities is an utility company based in Edmonton, Alberta.
EPCOR Utilities is an active company based in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada, founded on October 23, 1891. The company operates in various industries, such as electricity generation, infrastructure, wastewater treatment, water supply, water, and public utility. EPCOR Utilities follows a B2C business model and has a workforce of between 1,000 to 4,999 employees.
Stuart Lee serves as the CEO, while Tony Scozzafava acts as the CFO. Other key people within the organization include Joe Gysel. The company's full address is 10423 - 101 Street NW, Edmonton, Alberta T5H 0E8. EPCOR Utilities also has a presence in locations such as California and Aylmer, Ontario.
Some of EPCOR Utilities' competitors are United Utilities, FirstEnergy, ActewAGL, NRG Energy, MidAmerican Energy Company, Ontario Clean Water Agency, Atco Group, Remote Group, WaterNext Solutions, and Toro Equipment.