Provider of mobile portals and e-commerce websites based in japan
DeNA is a Japanese company that operates in various industries, including software development, mobile gaming, e-commerce, and entertainment . The company was founded by Tomoko Namba and Watanabe Keigo on March 4, 1999 . DeNA is a Kabushiki gaisha, a type of legal classification for companies in Japan . The company's headquarters are located in Shibuya, Tokyo, Japan .
DeNA has a presence on various social media platforms, including Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn . The company also has a YouTube channel .
The company is listed on the Tokyo Stock Exchange under the stock symbol 2432 . DeNA has received a total funding amount of $16,629,943 USD, with its latest funding round, a Series B, taking place on March 30, 2001 . Investors in the company include Sumitomo Corporation, Nippon Technology Venture Partners, Nippon Venture Capital, Sony Communication Network, and Mitsubishi Corporation .
DeNA is a subsidiary of Nintendo and has between 1,000 and 4,999 employees . The company's official website can be found at .
Provider of mobile portals and e-commerce websites based in japan