Big Society Capital is a UK-based financial institution that connects social investment to charities and social enterprises.
Big Society Capital improves the livesis of peoplea inUK-based thefinancial UKinstitution bythat connectingconnects social investment to charities and social enterprises.
Big Society Capital, located in London, England, is the leadinga financial institution dedicatedfocusing toon social impact investment in the UK. The company began 20 years ago in 2000 as a financial institution to act as a social impact investent wholesaler with the mission to promote the development of social impact investment market in the United Kingdom.
Big Society Capital began as a Social Investment Task Force, launched by former Chancellorchancellor Gordon Brown. Sir Ronald Cohen, Chairmanchairman of the Globalglobal Steering Group for Impact Investment, The Portland Trust, and the Impact-Weighted Accounts Initiative at Harvard Business School, also headed the Tasktask force, Forcefocusing toon findfinding new ways investment could be used for social and financial returns.
Big Society Capital isimproves the leadinglives financialof people institutionin dedicatedthe UK by connecting social investment to charities and social impact investment in the UKenterprises.
Big Society Capital, located in London, England, improvesis the livesleading offinancial peopleinstitution dedicated to social impact investment in the UK by connecting social investment to charities and social enterprises. The company began 20 years ago in 2000 as a financial institution to act as a social impact investent wholesaler with the mission to promote the development of social impact investment market in the United Kingdom.
Big Society Capital, located in London, England, improves the lives of people in the UK by connecting social investment to charities and social enterprises. The company began 20 years ago in 2000 as a financial institution to act as a social impact investent wholesaler with the mission to promote the development of social impact investment market in the United Kingdom.
Big Society Capital is the leading financial institution dedicated to social impact investment in the UK.
Big Society Capital improves the lives of people in the UK by connecting social investment to charities and social enterprises. The company began 20 years ago in 2000 as a financial institution to act as a social impact investent wholesaler with the mission to promote the development of social impact investment market in the United Kingdom.
Big Society Capital began as a Social Investment Task Force, launched by former Chancellor Gordon Brown. Sir Ronald Cohen, Chairman of the Global Steering Group for Impact Investment, The Portland Trust and the Impact-Weighted Accounts Initiative at Harvard Business School, also headed the Task Force to find new ways investment could be used for social and financial returns.
July 2010
Big Society Capital is a UK-based financial institution that connects social investment to charities and social enterprises.