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Astro Digital, or previously Aquila Space, is a company that is interested in providing high resolution multi-spectral images of the arable and populated land on Earth. The company was founded by Bronwyn Agrios, Chris Biddy, Jan King, and Mikhail Kokorich, in 2014, in Mountain View, California, United States.
The company looks to offer commercial remote sensing and services for designing satellite platforms for remote sensing markets. They offer image processing and data distribution to get sensor to customer. The company provides services that include full constellation deployments, time-critical proof-of-concept missions, end-to-end mission support, satellite technology development, and global ground support.
The systems that Astro Digital have in their catalogue include their suite of satellite technologies, ground infrastructure, and launch pads. One of their platforms is known as the Corvus Platform. Corvus is a modular and scalable collection of satellite subsystems. To provide ground systems, the company has partnered with KSAT to release a collection ground stations to support their missions. The stations are equipped with capabilities that include UHF TT&C, and High Speed Ka-band Downlink and are looking to provide expansion into Optical, S, X, and V-band.