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Acre Venture Partners makes venture-stage investments in platform businesses across the food value chain, with a particular focus on the agriculture, food technology and consumer verticals.
Acre Venture Partners is a venture capital fund founded in February 2016 in the Greater Los Angeles Area and specializes in start-up investments in health-focused food tech companies.Acre Venture Partners manages an independent fund of Campbell Soup Company to invest in startup food companies. It operates in the sectors of Agriculture, Organic Food and Venture Capital. Acre is a limited partnership with a Campbell subsidiary as the sole limited partner and Jeff Dunn, the head of the company's fresh food division as Campbell's representative. An outside partner manages the fund.
Acre invests in companies creating systemic change in the food system to address the problems of human and environmental health. Acre Venture Partners, the $125 million fund, invests in food startups. It bought dips and salsa maker Garden Fresh Gourmet for $231 million in June, and juice maker Bolthouse Farms for $1.55 billion in 2012.
Acre has made 15 investments. On Dec 12, 2018, when they invested $1.3M in ImpactVision.