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Gaming companies have to split resources between providing a great gameplay experience, raising the necessary funds and gaining the know-how required to implement complex blockchain features.
Users have to face complicated onboarding processes often requiring substantial initial investments, and have a hard time offering early support for the projects they like, trusting that NFTs will turn later into valuable in-game assets.
VisionGame brings the traditional game publishing experience, boosted for the blockchain. A suite of unique products, technical and creative services, all to support the ever-growing gaming blockchain industry, raising the bar one game at a time.
LogoPowered by popular technologies like Enjin and Solana, our SDK shaves away months of development time by making technical features that usually require dedicated teams, just a few minutes away.
LogoComplex onboarding processes are stopping the market from expanding at an healthy pace. One simplified, technical-free, handholding wallet will open the doors to a whole new generation of gamers.
LogoA crowdfunding platform like no others, it lets developers connect with their audience and raise their funds without committing too early to NFTs as in-game items, allowing the creative juice to flow for the benefit of their game.
LogoBeing part of our community means having an endless plethora of games to play hassle-free. It’s enough to onboard one of the games we support, to gain instant access to all of them with no further onboarding processes.