Universal Commerce Group is an International Internet Holding company, that owns and manages more than 25 projects in such areas as e-commerce, recruiting, real estate, price comparison, health care, fashion industry and digital media.
Aport.ru - an advanced product aggregator covering almost the entire territory of Russia. More than 75% of traffic is generated in regions, 60% is organic traffic. The platform operates with large data sets, which allows to maximally meet user needs. Catalog of goods includes more than 20 classifications, monthly audience is 2 000 000 unique visitors, number of pages viewed is equal to 15 000 000.
Trud.com - a massive job aggregator, aimed on Ukrainian market. Its target is to make comfortable connection of employer end applicant and provide both the best labor market choice. Today Trud.com occupies strong positions among Russian market leaders (Top-3 of job-aggregators and Top-8 of job-market players).
Trud.com - a massive job aggregator, aimed on Russian and Ukrainian markets. Its target is to make comfortable connection of employer end applicant and provide both the best labor market choice. Today Trud.com occupies strong positions among Russian market leaders (Top-3 of job-aggregators and Top-8 of job-market players).
Aport.ru - an advanced product aggregator covering almost the entire territory of Russia. More than 75% of traffic is generated in regions, 60% is organic traffic. The platform operates with large data sets, which allows to maximally meet user needs. Catalog of goods includes more than 20 classifications, monthly audience is 2 000 000 unique visitors, number of pages viewed is equal to 15 000 000.
DocGuru - an up-to-date health care search service that provides a directory of doctors and clinics in Russia and Ukraine. The service allows one to select a doctor profile and to make an appointment at the convenient time, regardless of user's location. The platform menu is quite interactive, the service accumulates large amounts of information, that make it possible to simplify the user decision making process, based not only on the experience of this or that doctor, but also taking into account the price of appointment, the reviews and the clinic where the specialist accepts.
Universal Commerce Group was founded in 2012 by the group of Ukrainian entrepreneurs and businesspeople, including Gennadiy Vasyukov . The main task was to create and launch a group of projects (later Universal Commerce Group) that would represent the whole range of services in the E-commerce niche: from money transferring to selection of goods in the B2B and B2C sectors.
For several years, negotiations about possibility to joint activity were held with a number of Internet entrepreneurs. So in 2012, to implement the idea, it was decided to merge with the Investment fund Maxima Group (later Noosphere), that was managed a popular Ukrainian aggregator Price.ua (all-Ukrainian information online catalog of goods and services), as well as services Avtomax.ua and Krysha.ua (search engines for cars and real estate) at that time. Later, internet platforms sravni.ua, trud.ua, urok.trud.ua, zagran.trud.ua, rul.ua, metry.ua were purchased and launched.