Company attributes
Cryptocurrency attributes
Other attributes
The client (here a user using a javascript connected web3 provider such as
Metamask or Binance Smart Chain Wallet) generates 2 random numbers of type
bigint, called a secret and a nullifier. The random numbers are combined and used to
generate the eventual nullifierHash and commitment where nullifierHash =
pedersen(nulliifier) and commitment = pedersen(nullifier, secret). The unhashed
combined nullifier and secret then become a note that is displayed to the user.
Upon connecting with the smart contract, the provider sends commitment together
with the deposit amount to the contract. When not full, the contract accepts the
deposit and inserts the commitment into an internal Merkle Tree with height = 20 as
leaf, and re-calculate the latest root. The previous root is stored in an internal history
The users deposit information besides commitment never leave the users machine
and aren’t transmitted to the blockchain.
Upon initiating a withdrawal, the client splits the inputted note back into secret and
nullifier, downloads the deposit history from the smart contract and constructs a
local representation of the Merkle Tree, then proceeds to search for the commitment
in said tree.
If found, the root, nullifierHash (of the note) and recipient are used to create a proof
that the user does indeed know that there is an unspent deposit contained in the
tree. This information is then transmitted to the smart-contract and verified. If the
users claim is verified onchain, the deposited funds are released and transferred to
the specified recipient address.
Our Implemented Solution
Using the method outlined above, we provide a an easy-to-use solution in where the
client generates a random note without user intervention and presents it with an
option to save it to a file. When confirmed, a provider prompt will verify to send the
funds and transact the data to the chain.
The note is then given to the user meant to receive the funds.
Upon withdrawal by user 2, the client transparently fetches the deposit information
from the Typhoon smart contract, generates the proof and uses the provider to
request the releasing of the funds from the smart contract. If the user’s claim can be
verified on chain, the funds are transferred to the target address.
All information to interact with the contract (including private keys) are available
publicly and can be used without the web interface.
All transactions come and go from the Typhoon smart contract and the contract
itself only records part of note on chain.
As the note is the only thing linking a withdrawal to a deposit, and this note is not
saved on chain, it is not possible to make a direct connection between an incoming
transfer and an outgoing transfer.
As the number of deposits increases, any deposit existing on the contract can be the
potential source of any given withdrawal.
The Token Ecosystem
Typhoon launches with the TYPH token, our approach to establish longterm
sustainability of the service.
The token has the following, but not limited to, use-cases:
1. Governance - We want Typhoon to evolve over time and adapt to user needs. To
achieve this, the token will be used to draft proposals and vote on how the
service should change. The direction of the product will be driven by the
2. Fee Claim - Typhoon charges a 0.1% fee on withdrawal. Token holders will be able
to claim a share of those fees proportional to the amount of tokens they use to
interact with the service for staking and governance votings.
3. Increasing Anonymity - The token is to be used as rewards for users providing
funds to the Typhoon contracts. Provided funds actively help with increasing the
anonymity set and securing the usage of other users. To encourage this, TYPH
will be attributed to those users.
4. Fee Reduction - The token will be used to reduce occurring fees when interacting
with the Typhoon smart contracts and provided services.
Token Buyback & Token Burn
To have a constant value and market attached to the token, a regular buyback is to
be implemented on-top of the proposed fee-share model. Part of the accumulated
fees and locked-up funds are to be used to purchase TYPH back from exchanges
and AMMs, putting them back into the distribution pool and completing the token
An automatic token burn is being considered but not finalized and hence excluded
from v1 of this whitepaper.