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Sun Life Financial is a public company that operates in the financial services industry, with a focus on insurance and finance . Founded by Matthew Hamilton Gault in 1865 , the company is headquartered in Toronto, Canada . Sun Life Financial has a market capitalization of $30.36 billion and employs around 15,000 people .
Sun Life Financial is listed on the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE), Toronto Stock Exchange, and Philippine Stock Exchange under the stock symbol SLF . The company's legal name is Sun Life Financial Inc. . Kevin David Strain serves as the CEO, and Manjit Singh is the CFO .
Sun Life Financial has several subsidiaries, including MFS Investment Management and Infineon Technologies . The company is also a venture capital firm and has partnered with organizations such as the Toronto Raptors .
The company has a presence in various locations, including Waterloo, Ontario, and the Sun Life Building . Sun Life Financial can be reached through multiple phone numbers, including +85229183828, +14165574428, and +12267512391 . They also have several email addresses for different purposes, such as,, and .
Sun Life Financial maintains an online presence through their official websites, and . They also have social media accounts on platforms like Twitter, LinkedIn, and YouTube .
Sun Life Financial's competitors in the industry include The Hartford .