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Sonitus Technologies is a California-based communications company that develops products that work as communication devices, similar to that of a radio or telephone. Its products are used in industries such as military, intelligence, first-responder, and sports.
The company has a platform and devices that are used concurrently. The platform is known as the Sonitus Sensory Interface Platform and it is an intra-oral platform that provides wireless communications and physiological monitoring. It monitors biometrics, such as heart rate and temperature, coming in from the company's devices that are worn by people.
There are several pieces of hardware that have been developed by the company and work with the platform. The two-way communication mouthpiece, known as the Molar Mic, attaches to the user's back molars. It contains a bone conduction speaker, an embedded waterproof microphone, and a wirelessly rechargeable battery. The bone conduction speaker is so that the user can hear incoming communications and the microphone allows for outgoing communications.