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Sociometrics creates and manages the Sociometrics Social, Behavioral, and Health Sciences Library (, a leading collection of over 400 science-based products, with topics including adolescent pregnancy prevention, adult sexual and reproductive health and HIV/AIDS prevention, youth substance abuse prevention, child and adolescent mental health treatment, and intimate partner violence prevention, among others. Sociometrics has a research-to-practice focus aimed at assembling science-based resources in key health areas and facilitating their widespread dissemination to improve public health.
Sociometrics produces three categories of rigorous behavioral and social science-based products that are useful to a variety of health practitioners, researchers, and educators.
These products fall into three categories:
- Evidence-Based Interventions & Programs (EBI/EBPs) for use with students, clients, patients and community members by health practitioners and educators. Administrators and program managers can choose to implement the EBIs/EBPs that best reflect the norms and standards of their organizations and communities.
- Capacity-Building Tools providing science-based resources to enhance the professional development of health sector professionals.
- Datasets that support primary and secondary analyses by researchers, faculty, and their students. The majority of these datasets (70%) are unique to Sociometrics and not available from any other source. Their use adds relevance and value to teaching, research, and publications in the social, behavioral and health sciences.
The EBIs/EBPs are selected by Scientist Expert Panels on the basis of the evidence of their effectiveness in changing behaviors that put an individual's health at risk. The Datasets are selected by Scientist Expert Panels on the basis of their scientific merit; substantive utility; and usefulness for research, policy, or practice.
Sociometrics manages and makes the Sociometrics Library available online, 24/7, for academic, public health department, and community-based organization customers. In addition, Sociometrics provides training on selection, adaptation, implementation, and evaluation of EBIs/EBPs. Sociometrics has also developed EBI Premium, an innovative web-based and native application that allows practitioners in schools, clinics, and community-based organizations to both implement and evaluate EBIs/EBPs using a tablet, regardless of internet connectivity. EBI Premium has been called "the future of evidence-based behavioral program delivery" in a feature article about Sociometrics by the U.S. National Institutes of Health (NIH).