Rogue Venture Partners invests in entrepreneurs in Oregon.
Rogue Venture Partners invests in entrepreneurs who are driven by market traction. Rogue values ingenuity, insight and intelligence and accelerates entrepreneurial success with resources, values and vision. Rogue is committed to increasing Oregon's entrepreneurial footprint through committed, sustainable investment in new businesses and growing enterprises.
Their exited investments include Seed, Sightbox, OntheGo Platforms, AppThwack, AthletePath, MobileRQ and Better Bean.
Rogue Venture Partners has raised a total of $5.3 million across 2 funds, their latest being ROGUE VENTURE PARTNERS FUND III. This fund was announced on February 16, 2018 and raised a total of $5.3 million.
Their exited investments include Seed, SightboxSightbox, OntheGo Platforms, AppThwack, AthletePath, MobileRQ and Better Bean.
Their exited investments include Seed, Sightbox, OntheGo Platforms, AppThwack, AthletePathAthletePath, MobileRQ and Better Bean.
Their exited investments include Seed, Sightbox, OntheGo Platforms, AppThwackAppThwack, AthletePath, MobileRQ and Better Bean.
Their exited investments include Seed, Sightbox, OntheGo Platforms, AppThwack, AthletePath, MobileRQMobileRQ and Better Bean.
Rogue Venture Partners invests in entrepreneurs who are driven by market traction. Rogue values ingenuity, insight and intelligence and accelerates entrepreneurial success with resources, values and vision. Rogue is committed to increasing OregonOregon's entrepreneurial footprint through committed, sustainable investment in new businesses and growing enterprises.
Their exited investments include Seed, Sightbox, OntheGo PlatformsOntheGo Platforms, AppThwack, AthletePath, MobileRQ and Better Bean.