Gaming brand that consists of home video game consoles, a media center, an online service, handhelds and phones, as well as multiple magazines, created and owned by sony interactive entertainment
On March 29 2022, Sony announced its plan to combine PlayStation Now and PlayStation Plus into a three-tier cloud gaming subscription service. The new three-tier cloud gaming service will offer a wide range of games from the classic PlayStation 1 to the upcoming AAA titles. The new service will be named PlayStation NowPlus with an initial launch date of June 2022. PS NowPlus will compete directly with Microsoft's Xbox Game Pass, Nvidia's GeForce, and Google Stadia.
On March 29 2022, Sony announced theirits plan to combine PlayStation Now and PlayStation Plus into a three-tier cloud gaming subscrptionsubscription service. The new three tierthree-tier cloud gaming service will offer a wide range of games from the classic PlayStation 1 to the upcoming AAA titles. The new service will be named PlayStation Now with aan intitialinitial launch date of June 2022. PS Now will comptetecompete directly with MicosoftMicrosoft's Xbox Game Pass, Nvidia's GeForce, and Google Stadia.
On March 29 2022, Sony announced their plan to combine PlayStation Now and PlayStation Plus into a three-tier cloud gaming subscrption service. The new three tier cloud gaming service will offer a wide range of games from the classic PlayStation 1 to the upcoming AAA titles. The new service will be named PlayStation Now with a intitial launch date of June 2022. PS Now will comptete directly with Micosoft's Xbox Game Pass, Nvidia's GeForce, and Google Stadia.