Phantom AI is a Mountain View, California-based developer of advanced driver-assistance systems (ADAS) to reduce acidents and create autonomous driving platforms.
Phantom AI is a developer ofdeveloping advanced driver-assistance systems (ADAS) for the facilitation offacilitating autonomous driving vehicles and driver safety. The company is developing software stacks and snensorsensor suites for autonomous driving while also providing various levels of ADAS and autonomy in those solutions. This includes using an optical sensor suite and computer vision technology with deep-learning-based detection and geometry-based filtering systems. Phantom AI's solutiosnsolutions are developed to meet current original equipment manufacturer (OEM) autonomous requirements and to push towards greater levels of autonomy.
Phantom AI was founded in 2016 by CEO Hyunggi Cho and CTO Chan Kyu Lee while the two worked at Tesla and shared an interest in the possibilities of ADAS technology and its capability to bring autonomous technology to the market before fully driverless cars will reach market. Phantom AI's long-term vision is to develop autonomous technology through ADAS technology by introducing creeping levels of automation, starting at L2 or L3, a few levels below true-selftrue drivingself-driving, while developing towards L4 or L5 full automation systems.
Phantom AI's PhantomVision is a computer vision solution using deep learning and is developed to be scalable and felxibleflexible, compliant with EuoEuro NCAP ADAS features. It is built to support vehicle, pedestrian, bicyclist, free-space, traffic sign, and traffic light detection. The solution is developed for visual perception, to enable a single or multiple cameras to autonomously recognize objects on a road and traffic directions in its vicinity and driving path. The system can be used with a combination of front, side, and rear cameras to eliminate blind spots and increase the systemssystem's safety margins. This can be used to trigger ADAS functions uschsuch as auto emergency braking, adaptive cruise control, traffic jam assist, and lane keepinglane-keeping assist systems.
Phantom AI's PhantomFusion is a platform independentplatform-independent sensor fusion and object trackingobject-tracking system. The system is developed to use a modular sensor fusion solution to create an environmental model through various sensors, such as cameras, radardsradar, LiDARs, and ultrasonics, to create accurate and clear detections and to guarantee detection in the case of partial sensor failfails by combining strengths of various sensors.
Phantom AI is a Mountain View, California-based developer of advanced driver-assistance systems (ADAS) to reduce acidents and create autonomous driving platforms.
Phantom AI is a developer of advanced driver-assistance systems (ADAS) for the facilitation of autonomous driving vehicles and driver safety. The company is developing software stacks and snensor suites for autonomous driving while also providing various levels of ADAS and autonomy in those solutions. This includes using an optical sensor suite and computer vision technology with deep-learning-based detection and geometry-based filtering systems. Phantom AI's solutiosn are developed to meet current original equipment manufacturer (OEM) autonomous requirements and to push towards greater levels of autonomy.
Phantom AI was founded in 2016 by CEO Hyunggi Cho and CTO Chan Kyu Lee while the two worked at Tesla and shared an interest in the possibilities of ADAS technology and its capability to bring autonomous technology to the market before fully driverless cars will reach market. Phantom AI's long-term vision is to develop autonomous technology through ADAS technology by introducing creeping levels of automation, starting at L2 or L3, a few levels below true-self driving, while developing towards L4 or L5 full automation systems.
Phantom AI's PhantomVision is a computer vision solution using deep learning and developed to be scalable and felxible compliant with Euo NCAP ADAS features. It is built to support vehicle, pedestrian, bicyclist, free-space, traffic sign, and traffic light detection. The solution is developed for visual perception to enable a single or multiple cameras to autonomously recognize objects on a road and traffic directions in its vicinity and driving path. The system can be used with a combination of front, side, and rear cameras to eliminate blind spots and increase the systems safety margins. This can be used to trigger ADAS functions usch as auto emergency braking, adaptive cruise control, traffic jam assist, and lane keeping assist systems.
Phantom AI's PhantomFusion is a platform independent sensor fusion and object tracking system. The system is developed to use a modular sensor fusion solution to create an environmental model through various sensors such as cameras, radards, LiDARs, and ultrasonics to create accurate and clear detections and to guarantee detection in the case of partial sensor fail by combining strengths of various sensors.