Norske Skogindustrier asa is a we create green value founded in 1962.
Social responsibility involves remaining sensitive to the needs of local communities and aware of the impact our operations have upon them. It means maintaining an open dialogue and responding with local measures. It also means showing respect for, and building upon, local cultures and traditions.
Our business units are often the cornerstone of local communities, and many are the largest employer in their region. As well as providing both direct and indirect employment, these facilities work closely at the local level with communities to assist with other needs.
Our core values of openness, honesty and cooperation as well as our policies and guidelines build on the UN Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the 10 principles of UN Global Compact.
Norske Skog is committed to contributing to sustainable development. Customers, suppliers and the world at large can rely on us. We take work on issues relating to the environment and social responsibility seriously.
Norske Skog’s goal is to create competitive shareholder values in the paper industry. Important instruments for achieving this objective include good principles for corporate governance and a clearly defined division of responsibilities and roles between the company’s governing bodies.
As you explore the environmental section of our website, you'll find many cases of Norske Skog's commitment to a sustainable future.
We use externally verified standards (e.g. ISO 14001) to ensure that our management and wood purchasing systems help us to achieve our goals and targets.
All our mills operate in accordance with relevant legislation and statutory requirements, of course. But we try to do more. In most cases, we set stricter standards for our activities than national or local governments.