A venture capital firm in New York City focused on making early stage seed investments.
New York Venture Partners's most notable exits include Pinterest, Boundless Mind, PureWow, Authorea, PublicStuff, BeautyBooked, Media Armor, NMRKT and Comixology.
New York Venture Partners's most notable exits include Pinterest, Boundless Mind, PureWow, Authorea, PublicStuff, BeautyBookedBeautyBooked, Media Armor, NMRKT and Comixology.
New York Venture Partners's most notable exits include Pinterest, Boundless Mind, PureWowPureWow, Authorea, PublicStuff, BeautyBooked, Media Armor, NMRKT and Comixology.
New York Venture Partners's most notable exits include Pinterest, Boundless Mind, PureWow, Authorea, PublicStuff, BeautyBooked, Media Armor, NMRKT and ComixologyComixology.