MIG Fonds is a Munich-based company.
MIG Fonds is a Munich, Germany based venture capital firmventure capital firm. They invest in Germany and Austria. MIG Fonds allows individuals to invest in them and therefore add venture capital investments to their portfolio.
They work to invest in early-stage, unlisted companies with a clear selling proposition. And they invest with an emphasis on the development of new products or technologies in markets which show strong growth or growth potential. MIG Fonds invests in biotechnology, medical technology, material and environmental technology, information technologyinformation technology and automation technology companies.
They work to invest in early-stage, unlisted companies with a clear selling proposition. And they invest with an emphasis on the development of new products or technologies in markets which show strong growth or growth potential. MIG Fonds invests in biotechnology, medical technology, material and environmental technologyenvironmental technology, information technology and automation technology companies.
MIG Fonds is a MunichMunich, Germany based venture capital firm. They invest in Germany and Austria. MIG Fonds allows individuals to invest in them and therefore add venture capital investments to their portfolio.
MIG Fonds is a Munich, Germany based venture capital firm. They invest in Germany and Austria. MIG Fonds allows individuals to invest in them and therefore add venture capital investments to their portfolio.
They work to invest in early-stage, unlisted companies with a clear selling proposition. And they invest with an emphasis on the development of new products or technologies in markets which show strong growth or growth potential. MIG Fonds invests in biotechnology, medical technology, material and environmental technology, information technology and automation technology companies.
In 2004, MIG Fonds founded MIG Verwaltungs as a management company to manage the invested capital of MIG Fonds.