Integra Ventures is a Seattle based venture capital firm investing in healthcare companies based on the West Coast of the United States.
Integra Ventures has invested in PLx Pharma, MediQuest Therapeutics, Wellpartner, Tepha, Targeted Growth, Blue Heron Biotechnology, Calypso Medical, Ampla Pharmaceuticals, Raven Biotechnologies, and Corus Pharma.
They exited their investments in PLx Pharma, Wellpartner, Calypso Medical, Blue Heron Biotechnology, Corus Pharma and Raven Biotechnologies.
Integra Ventures has invested in PLx Pharma, MediQuest Therapeutics, Wellpartner, Tepha, Targeted Growth, Blue Heron Biotechnology, Calypso Medical, Ampla Pharmaceuticals, Raven BiotechnologiesRaven Biotechnologies, and Corus Pharma.
Integra Ventures has invested in PLx Pharma, MediQuest Therapeutics, Wellpartner, TephaTepha, Targeted Growth, Blue Heron Biotechnology, Calypso Medical, Ampla Pharmaceuticals, Raven Biotechnologies, and Corus Pharma.
Integra Ventures has invested in PLx Pharma, MediQuest Therapeutics, Wellpartner, Tepha, Targeted Growth, Blue Heron BiotechnologyBlue Heron Biotechnology, Calypso Medical, Ampla Pharmaceuticals, Raven Biotechnologies, and Corus Pharma.
Integra Ventures has invested in PLx Pharma, MediQuest TherapeuticsMediQuest Therapeutics, Wellpartner, Tepha, Targeted Growth, Blue Heron Biotechnology, Calypso Medical, Ampla Pharmaceuticals, Raven Biotechnologies, and Corus Pharma.
Integra Ventures is a Seattle based venture capital firm investing in healthcare companies based on the West Coast of the United States.
Integra Ventures is a Seattle, Washington based venture capital firm. They invest across stages from seed to growth equity and recaps and are focused on healthcare companies based on the West Coast of the United States. Their typical investment ranges from $500,000 to $2 million, and they prefer to co-invest with an investment syndicate.
Integra Ventures has invested in PLx Pharma, MediQuest Therapeutics, Wellpartner, Tepha, Targeted Growth, Blue Heron Biotechnology, Calypso Medical, Ampla Pharmaceuticals, Raven Biotechnologies, and Corus Pharma.
They exited their investments in PLx Pharma, Wellpartner, Calypso Medical, Blue Heron Biotechnology, Corus Pharma and Raven Biotechnologies.
Integra Ventures is a Seattle based venture capital firm investing in healthcare companies based on the West Coast of the United States.