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Greffex has 14 vaccines in its portfolio as well as gene therapies in development for conditions such as Hemophila A and Usher Syndrome. The company is developing immune tissue engineering to overcome transplant rejection. Greffex received $18.9 million from the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases in 2019 for development of its GreVac™ Plug-And-Play technology which expedites production of vaccine candidates for biodefense and infectious diseases. Using Greffex’s universal vaccine platform the company has 12 vaccines in the pipeline including influenza, MERS-CoV, Anthrax, Ebola, tetravalent Dengue and Zika.
Greffex is developing a COVID-19 vaccine that uses an adenovirus vector with a part of the genetic sequence of COVID-19 to cause the body to form an immune response.