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Dogeswap is a cryptocurrency represented with the symbol “DOGES”. The dogeswap token is the official liquidity supplier of the dogeswap platform, an online DeFi service that automatically helps users locate the best price for token swaps. Dogeswap token was created in September 2020 and has a circulating supply of 20,000 DOGES.
Dogeswap Platform
The Dogeswap platform is associated with top decentralized exchanges as well as synthetic asset suppliers. When a swap is executed via Dogeswap, the order is transmitted to the sources that are offering the best prices on the market. With dogeswap, users get better prices for their tokens almost 100% of the time instead of a single DEX. The best pricing available using the Ethereum Wallet Swap are ETH and general ERC20 tokens.
Dogeswap token has a circulating supply of 20,000 DOGES. It had an all-time high of $34.33 on October 12, 2020 and an all-time low of $0.874257 on November 19, 2020.
Dogeswap tokens are currently traded on FinexBox and Uniswap exchanges.