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Diffeo is a company offering a machine intelligence platform for analyzing text documents and recommending content to fill knowledge gaps found within the analyzed documents that is headquartered in Cambridge, Massachusetts and was founded in 2012 by John Frank and Max Kleiman-Weiner. The platform is able to analyze texts from sources such as MS OnetNote, Word, Outlook, MediaWiki, and other sources to help fill knowledge gaps related to industries such as cybersecurity supply chain risk management, and deep web research.
The founders of Diffeo founded the company after working on a project together for the National Institute of Standards and Technology and the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) called the Text Retrieval Conference Knowledge Base Acceleration project.
On January 10, 2017 Diffeo announced acquiring Meta Search, a company offering a file-based search engine, for an undisclosed amount of money. After the acquisition Meta Search changed its name to Diffeo Cloud Search.