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Brain4Net holds extensive expertise in developing software for network control and virtualization service applications based on commercial off-the-shelf (COTS) hardware using SDN and NFV concepts that drive the transition to next generation networks including the 5G paradigm.
Moving Telco industry and open source communities forward, Brain4Net is an active member of MEF, ONF, OPNFV, Intel Network Builders, Open Compute Project, Telecom Infra Project. Through co-leadership at MEF OpenCS NFV group, Brain4Net actively shares the expertise of OpenFlow-based CE 2.0 services with MEF community members. The company’s NFV expertise combined with extensive experience in complex services orchestration enhances the Third Network focused work groups.
Our approach helps clients bring agility to the network, improve network service chaining and reduce both CAPEX and OPEX for network infrastructure deployment and operation.
As a foundation of B4N Service Platform (the company’s flagship product), Brain4Net has developed well-engineered mechanisms for creation and management of Ethernet Virtual Circuits (EVCs) based on OpenFlow. Brain4Net aims to improve OpenFlow support on bare-metal switches and adapt ASIC pipelines to CSP’s requirements for network services, resiliency, and fault tolerance through close collaboration with Network Equipment Providers.