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Innovyz is a startup accelerator. As of Jul 31 2018, its 20 startups have collectively raised an estimated $1,825,927, an average of $91,296 each.
Founded in 2012, Innovyz is an incubation program based in Tonsley, Australia . The firm takes ten companies in a defined industry vertical through an intensive process over nine months where they disassemble, examine and rebuild each business to become successful, sustainable enterprises. The firm's investor partners earn their reward for facilitating candidate companies' success, by securing and sharing a minimum 10% equity position in all businesses entering the program.
Innovyz provides a $20,000 stipend to teams of three who are selected to participate in the program. The Program Director works with each company to commercialise its break-through innovation. The program includes mentoring by successful entrepreneurs, learning programs around growing a company, identification of target markets, working and reworking the company's plan, and a presentation to potential investors on the last day of the program.