Cryptocurrency attributes
Other attributes

Every TBTC is backed 1:1 with BTC
No intermediaries - Redeem TBTC for BTC at any time
Audited and open-source
3 steps to convert from BTC to TBTC and back
tBTC, the open-source project that allows people to use Bitcoin safely in Ethereum DeFi apps, is live and ready to be used.
tBTC Security Model
tBTC is designed as the safe way for people to use Bitcoin on Ethereum. Different projects take differing approaches to security. The…
Developers: How to Integrate tBTC into your DeFi dApp
tBTC is the easy way to add Bitcoin to your dapp, making it accessible to BTC holders and unlocking user growth. By integrating TBTC…
Individuals: How to Use the tBTC dApp
This is a step-by-step guide for using the tBTC dApp. To start, you need to: Make sure you have Metamask installed. Get some ETH from…