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Winslow Capital Management is a manager of large-cap growth stock portfolios for institutions and high-net-worth investors. The company's portfolios focus on large cap growth stocks that demonstrate long-term sustainable earnings growth potential, quality cyclical growth, and newer industries with rapid growth potential. Winslow Capital is grounded in fundamental investing. It seeks growth opportunities in public and private markets globally. The company attributes their success to Its adherence to a disciplined investment approach.
Winslow Capital employs a methodology of primary research from industry relationships. Their team of active equity managers follows market dynamics. And they remain dedicated to serving the needs of their clients. Winslow Capital manages more than $20 billion (as of 9/30/2019) in equity strategies including sub-advised mutual funds, managed accounts and a private equity vehicle.
In November, 2008 Nuveen Investments Inc., acquired Winslow Capital Management. The acquisition brought Nuveen's assets under management to $134 billion. Winslow Capital Management remains an independent investment affiliate of Nuveen.