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Privoro is a company developing mobile security solutions for commercial mobile devices that is headquartered in Chandler, Arizona and was founded in 2016. The company develops hardware made to protect personal and private information from unwarranted surveillance. Privoro's mobile security technology allows users to protect their smartphones data against surveillance from their phones cameras and microphones. The company uses Multi-Factor Authentication (CMFA) solutions for ios devices.
The company offers a phone case that acts as a secondary computational device working with the phone through bluetooth to protect their data. Privoro also offers an application for users to communicate with that is secured by the Privoro cloud. The Privoro cloud allows Privoroa hardware and software administration to manage each Privoro user. A secure data channel is established between each Privoro case and the Privoro cloud through an inner encryption tunnel.
Notable partners working with Privoro include: World Wide Technology, Axxum Technology, Allcom, GovSmart, Arete Solutions, ARS Aleut Services, Victor 42, Allen-Hammet, Westwind, Algorank, Silvereye Technologies, Cloudburst Security, Insight, ArG3X, BrainTrace, Fed Data, Horizon Global Partners, NEWCOM Global, SOFtact Solutions, Star Communications, Bryodyn, Glacier Security, GloBlue Technologies, GuROO IT, Intelligent Waves, IT Veterans, KNCSS, Market Force, NXTKey, Paliton Networks, Phase II, Promithia, SDSE Networks, TribalCO.