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At Phoebus Optoelectronics, we focus on the custom design and commercialization of advanced light and radiation controlling and detecting materials and devices. Depending on the application, we design devices that exhibit negative index of refraction, high permeability, light trapping and harvesting, photon sorting, and phase control.
Phoebus Optoelectronics has over 10 years of experience working with the US Department of Defense, NASA, the NSF and several major defense contractors, such as Raytheon Vision Systems, Lockheed Martin, and Ball Aerospace. Phoebus has received numerous SBIR and STTR Phase I and Phase II contracts. Phoebus is ITAR and EAR compliant.
Phoebus Optoelectronics collaborates with research laboratories at Clarkson University and the City University of New York, including the Center for Metamaterials (CfM), a National Science Foundation Industry/University Research Center at Clarkson University.