National Aviation University is a higher education institution in Kyiv. Ukraine founded in 1933.
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Higher education institution in Kyiv. Ukraine.
National Aviation University is an aviation institution of higher education in Kyiv. About 25 thousand students from 55 countries study at the university. Powerful scientific and pedagogical schools make it possible to train not only engineering specialists, but also economists, lawyers, environmentalists, translators, psychologists, sociologists and the like. The educational process is provided by a highly qualified scientific and pedagogical team, which includes 15 academicians and corresponding members of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, 184 Doctors of Sciences, professors and 677 Candidates of Sciences, associate professors. Leading specialists of airlines and industrial enterprises are involved in the educational process. Among the teachers there are 80 laureates of the State Prize and honored workers of science and technology.
The origins of the university are in aviation courses organized by Kyiv polytechnics at the beginning of the XX century, and the independent history began in 1933 by the Resolution of the Council of People's Commissars of the USSR No. 1815 of 25.08.1933 and by the order of the main directorate of the civil air fleet of the USSR No. 454 of 26.08.1933 on the basis of the Aviation Faculty of the Kyiv Engineering Institute , the Kyiv Aviation Institute (KAI) was founded (since 1934 - the Kyiv Aviation Institute named after K. E. Voroshilov).
Classes at the KAI began on September 15, 1933 in a building on Lenin Street, 51 (now Bogdan Khmelnitsky Street). 4 faculties were created at the Institute: general technical, aircraft, engine-building, operational. A flight squad was organized at the institute, in which students had the opportunity to acquire a flight specialty in addition to engineering. The squadron's fleet consisted of U-2 training aircraft and P-5 aircraft. The detachment had glider and parachute sections.
In 1934, the Institute established the Scientific Research Sector, which during 1934-1938 published ten collections of scientific papers "Proceedings of KAI", in which the works of scientists and students of the Institute were published (in 1934-1938, 24 scientific articles were published in these collections by Vladimir Chelomey, then a student of KAI, and in the future - the General Designer of rocket and space technology of the USSR). Mikhail Filippovich Kravchuk, Head of the Department of Mathematics of the KAI (1933-1936), academician of the All–Ukrainian Academy of Sciences, was a member of the editorial committee for the preparation for the publication of the collection "Proceedings of the KAI".
In 1935, the profile of the institute was clarified. His task was to train only mechanical engineers for the operation of aircraft and engines. There are two faculties left: general technical and operational-mechanical. On the rights of the faculty, from December 15, 1936, advanced training courses for engineering and technical workers began their activities. The first enrollment for these courses was 100 people. Groups of technicians were organized, and later groups of engineers. The courses of engineering and technical workers worked in various fields, including technical operation, aircraft and engine repair, fuel and lubricants, and special aircraft equipment. A group was working to retrain teachers and instructors of technical schools and schools of the civil air fleet.
In different years, the institute was headed by M. Sec. Korolko (1933), V. M. Podporinov (1933-1934), D. V. Glinchuk (1934-1935), N. I. Taranyuk (1935-1936), M. G. Gorchakov (1936-1941). In 1939-1941, Vladimir Chelomey worked as a senior lecturer in mechanics and theory of aircraft engines at the KAI.
The Stalinist period of the cult of personality left its mark on the course of development and strengthening of the institute. In April 1937, the then leadership of Aeroflot raised a question before the All-Union Committee for Higher School Affairs and the SNK of the USSR about the liquidation of the KAI. This was caused by the lack of a well-thought-out balance of personnel, short-sightedness in technical policy, underestimation of the technical progress of civil aviation. A deeply erroneous conclusion was made that one Leningrad Institute of the Civil Air Fleet would be able to train highly qualified personnel for the whole country.
The Stalinist period of the cult of personality left its mark on the course of development and strengthening of the institute. In April 1937, the then leadership of aeroflot raised a question before the All-Union Committee for Higher School Affairs and the SNK of the USSR about the liquidation of the KAI. This was caused by the lack of a well-thought-out balance of personnel, short-sightedness in technical policy, underestimation of the technical progress of civil aviation. A deeply erroneous conclusion was made that one Leningrad Institute of the civil air fleet would be able to train highly qualified personnel for the whole country.
The decision to disband the KAI and transfer students to the Leningrad Institute took place on June 2, 1937. More than 160 graduates stayed in Kyiv to complete their graduation projects. The so-called Kyiv branch of the Leningrad Institute of Civil Aviation Engineers was formed.
In this regard, the leadership of the Institute has written thorough, motivated letters to the GU GVF, to the Committee on Higher School Affairs, to the Central Committee of the CP (b)At the Central Committee of the CPSU (b) with a request to reconsider the decision to liquidate the KAI. The new leadership of the GU TSPF (chief - Hero of the Soviet Union V. S. Molokov) has been attentive to this issue.
On June 25, 1938, the Council of People's Commissars of the Ukrainian SSR, in its resolution No. 316 "On the Aviation Institute of the GU GVF in Kyiv," noted that the closure of the KAI was incorrect and decided to restore the Aviation Institute of the GVF in Kyiv and ask the SNK of the USSR to approve the organization of the institute from the beginning of the 1938/1939 academic year. On August 15, 1938, the GRU CAP and the SNK of the Ukrainian SSR received a decision of the Economic Council under the SNK of the USSR on permission to restore the CAP Aviation Institute in Kyiv from the beginning of the 1938/1939 academic year. By Order No. 254 of the GU CAP, the Kyiv Aviation Institute CAP was restored from August 20, 1938. The recruitment for the 1st course was allowed. It was proposed to develop a plan for the organization of courses for the improvement of engineering and technical staff at Kalia, a large group of 6th-year students was returned from Leningrad to Kyiv. Thus, the activities of the KAI were not actually interrupted.
Everything that happened at the Institute in 1937-1938 could not but affect the growth rate of KAI. The development of the institute was slowed down, it suffered great losses. The academic year 1938/1939 began with a small number of students, 110 people were accepted for the first year, and in the sixth year there were 70 graduates who returned from Leningrad.
In accordance with the charter approved in 1939, the Institute had one faculty of technical operation of aircraft and engines and 19 departments, including 14 general and general technical and 5 special.
In 1939, the next graduation of engineers took place. After that, before the outbreak of the war, there were no graduates of engineers, since there were no senior courses after the restoration of the institute. In the pre-war years, the Institute became a center for retraining technical personnel of the civil air fleet.
In 1939, the design of a complex of new buildings and structures for the Institute began. On the eve of the war, 3 courses on the profile of technical operation of aircraft and aircraft engines, as well as numerous groups of CAP engineering and technical staff at the improvement courses, were already fully working at the institute. However, the war of 1941-1945 prevented the staff of the Institute from restoring all six courses and resuming the graduation of engineers.
In 1941, due to military events, the activities of the KAI were suspended, the institute was evacuated, and only in 1947 its activities were resumed -the Kyiv Institute of Civil Aviation named after K. E. Voroshilov was established.
In the future , its name changed:
On November 9, 1950, the general estimate for the construction of the Kyiv Institute of Civil Aviation and the allotment by the Kyiv Council of the land plot for the construction of the institute on Borshchagovskaya Street, 197 (now Lubomir Guzar Avenue, 1).
In 1954-1975, the institute was headed by Nikolai Gologo, who made a significant contribution to the construction of the educational complex, the creation and development of its material and technical base, the organization of scientific work, the formation of a scientific and pedagogical team.
In 1953, the chief designer of the MAP Design Bureau A. K. Antonov (later General Designer, Academician of the Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, laureate of the State Prize) began to lecture at the Institute on the course of aircraft design. By order of the Main Directorate of the Civil Air Fort of the USSR No. 82 dated 05.04.1956 Oleg Antonov was inducted into the Board of the Institute.
On October 13, 1966, by the Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR, the Kyiv Institute of Civil Aviation Engineers was awarded the Order of the Red Banner of Labor for the successful completion of the tasks of the seven-year plan for the training of highly qualified engineering and scientific personnel for civil aviation, the development and implementation of relevant research works on aviation technology
In 1975-1988, the institute was headed by Alexander Aksenov. 10.09.1985 The Council of the International Civil Aviation Organization Aksenov A. F. was the first to be awarded the Gold Medal and the Certificate of Honor of the Edward Warner Award for his significant contribution to the development of international civil aviation.
The Kyiv Institute of Civil Aviation Engineers for the Training of Foreign Specialists was awarded the Order of Peace and Friendship of the Hungarian People's Republic (1975), the commemorative medal of the Ministry of Education and Upbringing of the Polish People's Republic (1978), the Order of the Bulgarian People's Republic "Cyril and Methodius" 1st degree (1980), the Order of Solidarity of the Republic of Cuba (1985).
On 12.04.1990 according to the decree of the Council of Ministers of the USSR, a memorial plaque to Vladimir Chelomey, the General Designer of rocket and Space Technology, a graduate of the Kyiv Aviation Institute in 1937, was installed on the building of the Institute, and the staff of the Institute was awarded a diploma named after him V. M. Chelomey for achievements in the training of scientific and engineering personnel in the field of aviation and cosmonautics.
In 1994, the Kyiv International University of Civil Aviation was established on the basis of the Institute. In 1996, the university introduced a four-stage form of education: junior specialist - bachelor - specialist - master.
In March 1998, the European Sub-regional Aviation Security Center of the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) was opened at the University with the participation of the President of the ICAO Council A. Kotayt.
Taking into account the national and international recognition of the results of its activities and its significant contribution to the development of national higher education and science, the university was awarded the status of a national university by the Decree of the President of Ukraine Leonid Kuchma in September 2000.
On 25.09.2008, the university received a certificate of compliance of the quality management system of educational services and scientific research with the ISO9001:2000 quality standard.
On 17.02.2012, the xvth anniversary exhibition "Modern Education in Ukraine - 2012" was held in the premises of the National Center "Ukrainian House", at which the National Aviation University received a gold medal in the nomination "Professional orientation of youth: current trends and development prospects".
On 14.04.2016, at the XIX International Specialized Exhibition "Education and Career - 2016" and the exhibition of foreign educational institutions "Education abroad", NAU was awarded the honorary title "Leader of Higher Education in Ukraine" and as the winner of the competition in thematic nominations was awarded the Grand Prix and Diploma.
At the All-Ukrainian competition of student scientific works in the branches of knowledge and specialties in the 2020/2021 academic year, 23 scientific works of young scientists of the National Aviation University were awarded by a competitive jury and awarded diplomas of the I-th, II-th and III-th degrees.
The Antonov State Aviation Museum, which is the largest historical and technical museum of the country, with an exposition of almost 70 aircraft and helicopters, has been established at the aviation base of the National Aviation University and is located in its structure.
The university consists of 10 faculties, 5 institutes, 6 professional colleges, a lyceum, a college, a department of military training, an Air and Space Law Center, European regional centers of the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO).
The territory of the university occupies 72 hectares, the total area of academic buildings is 140 thousand m2. 75 airplanes and helicopters, 42 aircraft engines, 3 complex aviation simulators, 240 onboard systems, modeling stands, over 6000 modern computers are used in the educational process. The campus of the University consists of 11 dormitories, a canteen for 1000 seats, an Internet cafe, a student "Bistro", an Aviation medical center equipped with modern diagnostic medical equipment, a dispensary, a cultural and arts center with a hall for 1500 seats, an educational and sports wellness center.
The book fund of the NAU Scientific and Technical Library is more than 2.6 million copies. The University has one of the world's largest training hangars, a training airfield, a radio polygon and a ground-based aviation equipment training ground, training complexes and an educational and scientific aerodynamic complex based on the TAD-2 subsonic wind tunnel.
The Center of Culture and Arts was opened in 1979. The center has a stage measuring 16 meters wide, 12 meters deep, 11 meters high with the necessary equipment, dressing rooms, rehearsal halls, and a theater.
Traditional events of the university since 1980, such as the "dedication to student aviators", the student festival "Student Spring" have become very popular at the university to the present time. No festive university event takes place without the participation of the KVN student team, which was created in 1962 and already in 1963 the KVN team of the Institute became the All-Union winner (finalist of the season).
According to the rating of concert halls of the city of Kyiv, the Center of Culture and Arts of NAU ranks third after the Palace of Ukraine and the International Center of Culture and Arts of the city of Kyiv.
The Scientific and Technical Library of the National Aviation University is one of the largest libraries in Kiev and the largest in the civil aviation industry of Ukraine, founded as a faculty library of the newly established Aviation Institute in 1933.
The library's collections include about 2.5 million publications, about 6,000 e-books, more than 5,000 scientific articles from various branches of knowledge, science and culture. The number of readers is more than 19 thousand. The library has a unique collection of publications on aviation and related areas. Its decoration is the publication of the end of the XIX century and the 20-40s of the XX century. valuable publications include the ICAO materials, of which there are about 3 thousand in the fund.
The NAU library is called scientific and technical, but according to the content of the fund and the nature of reference and information work, it can be called a universal profile library.
The library is located in a separate room, occupies an area of 6.9 thousand square meters. It offers readers 6 subscriptions and 10 reading rooms, an electronic catalog of literature, an electronic database of analytical materials from periodicals and a reference and search engine in card form. The library provides readers with access to world information resources. The CleverSpace informal education space has been created in the main library building. Thanks to the winning of the grant with money allocated from the city budget, presentation equipment and multimedia equipment, bag chairs, etc. were purchased. Seminars, project schools, workshops, coaching sessions, etc. are held here, as well as self-education of students. The Scientific and Technical Library is a venue for international conferences, scientific and practical seminars, literary and thematic events, meetings of students with scientists, figures of literature and art, and the like.
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